Писмо градоначелницима градова Балкана који долазе у Бању Луку

Иницијатива грађана Бање Луке окупљена под називом ПАРК ЈЕ НАШ послала је писмо градоначелницима из мреже балканских градова које ће од сутра до 23.јуна угостити Бања Лука. Писмо је на енглеском језику: Civic Initiative “Park je naš!” Subject: Participation at the 13th Meeting of Balkan Cities Network Dear Mayor, We, the citizens of Banja Luka […]

уторак, јун 19, 2012 / 18:17

Иницијатива грађана Бање Луке окупљена под називом ПАРК ЈЕ НАШ послала је писмо градоначелницима из мреже балканских градова које ће од сутра до 23.јуна угостити Бања Лука.

Писмо је на енглеском језику:

Civic Initiative “Park je naš!”


Participation at the 13th Meeting of Balkan Cities Network

Dear Mayor,

We, the citizens of Banja Luka and members of civil society organizations,
arehonoured with your participation at International Meeting of Friendship
andCooperation between major Balkan Cities in Banja Luka.

We would like to draw your attention to one important issue, highly related to
theconcept of sustainable development of urban areas. Banja Luka has been wellknown
for its alleys and green areas, and for a long time Banja Luka has held atitle of
„city of verdure“. However, in the past decade city administrationconverted most of
its green areas into buildings or parking lots.

For more than 20 days, hundreds of citizens of Banja Luka have been
peacefullyprotesting against destruction of the last larger green area in the city
More than 6.000 citizens supported this civic initiative by signing the petition
and12 distinguished civil society organizations fully supported the initiative.
Citizensand CSOs submitted official requests to the mayor of Banja Luka for
alldocuments related to plans for destruction of this green area, as well as
therequest for meeting with the mayor. Unfortunately, the mayor did not
ensuredisclosure of documentation nor did he answer our request for the meeting.

We believe that you support transparent and good governance, but alsounderstand the
importance of participatory planning in development of urbanareas. Therefore, we ask
you to address this issue at the panel „Role of Mayors inTransformation of Cities in
the Balkans“ and ask the mayor of Banja Luka why thecity administration is not
willing to disclose relevant documents that should bepublic or agree to an open
dialogue with CSOs.

We believe you will enjoy your stay in Banja Luka, and we hope you will
promotetransparency and good governance at the 13th Meeting of Balkan Cities
If you are interested to know more about this issue, we are at your disposal
forfurther information and are willing to meet with you at any convenient time


more than 6000 signatories of the petition and

Civil Society Organizations: Agency for Development and Cooperation
CEREBRA, PERPETUUM MOBILE’ Center for youth and community development,
Center for Environment, Center for Civic Initiatives, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly
Banja Luka, Youth Comunication Centre, Transparency International BiH,
Agricultural Information Center, Association “Oštra nula”, Association “Tender”,
Centre for informative decontamination, UNSA Geto.


  1. ај супорт дис летер бикоз ај ем д ван оф д пипл ху сајнд тхе петишн.

    бат ај донт тинк ит вил би оф ени јус.

    ај билив дет д ‘багра’ (доместик ворд вит мининг: бед, коруптед, пипл инволвед ин криминал ективитис) маст би кикд ин ес оут оф деир офисис енд чеирс.

    анфорчунатли, а лот оф вотер вил пес тру ривер Врбас антил дет хепенс.

  2. „Одгођено одржавање конференције Мреже балканских градова

    Конферeнција Мреже балканских градова „BALCINET“ биће одржана у септембру ове године. На јучерашњем састанку у Административној служби Града Бања Лука – одлучено је да конференција Мреже балканских градова, која је требало да буде одржана у Бањој Луци од 21. до 23. јуна ове године, буде одгођена за септембар ове године, због немогућности доласка већине градова – чланица, у чијим земљама су ових дана одржани избори.

    Теме овогодишњег сусрета великих градова Балкана биће између осталог: „Улога градоначелника у трансформацији градова Балкана“ ,“Градови BALCINET-а као промотери енергетске ефикасности на Балкану,“ те „Креативне индустрије као нова економска могућност за градове на Балкану“.

    Мрежа великих градова Балкана ове године обиљежава 13.годишњицу рада, а Бањалука је један од оснивача и члан ове мреже од 2001. године. Сједиште ове организације је у Солуну, а кандидатуру за предсједавање BALCINET-ом у 2012. години, Бања Лука је добила 2009. године.“

  3. Dear defenders of green areas and other places which are in use for recreation and other unofficial social activities,

    First of all I would like to support your right to protest and express different opinion and attitude about some infrastructural solutions in your city which are officialy adopted by public authorities of your city. Personally, I also believe that each modern city should have a peacefull place for rest and recration of its citizens.

    But on the other side, I am convinced that you are used by the small group and representatives of oposition political parties, who are trying to use public unsatisfaction to get political points and votes. I will tell it very simply – They are using you. They delegates gave votes for a decision which caused destruction of „Picin park“.

    As an evidence of my statement, you should see previous attitudes and statements of representatives of associations who signed a letter above, such us Civil Society Organizations: Agency for Development and Cooperation CEREBRA, PERPETUUM MOBILE’ Center for youth and community development, Center for Environment, Center for Civic Initiatives, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly
    Banja Luka, Youth Comunication Centre, Transparency International BiH, Agricultural Information Center, Association “Oštra nula”, Association “Tender”,
    Centre for informative decontamination, UNSA Geto.

    I am inviting you to ask their representatives who pays them and how big is the amount of their monthly salaries.

    To bi bilo to, a srpski receno pretjerali ste brate vise sa svim ovim, a svima nam je jasna pozadina. Gdje vam je projekat parka koga branite?! Kako on to izgleda?! Koji su to njegovi sadrzaji?! Sta kad odbranite park?! Sta je sljedece da branite?! Sta ste to napravili?! Ovolika kolicina jednoumlja kao na ovom sajtu, mislim da nema ni medju vladajucom oligarhijom.

  4. Dear citizens of Banja luka,

    i received your letter, and i understand that there is a problem with your local authorities, but i must be honest, me and everyone of my fellow city mayors actually don`t give a fuck about piece of meadow in your town. Its just not a subject we want to discuss, because that wouldnt be nice to our dear host, who promised great fun for all of us in Banja luka. We just want to spent couple of days and take a rest in your town, get drunk a little and spent some money from our own cities budgets. We want to try some „cevap“, and „trapist“ cheese, and to check personally what people says of your town – that here you have most beautiful and pretty cheap girls. That would be it. My opinion is – there is no need to complicate things, its too hot for that anyway.

  5. I totally disagree with previous mayor who writed that disgusting comment. I know him a well, he is an old pervert, and alcoholic, and he have heavy connections with criminal activities in his city. So everything he said, you can stick to cat’s tail, or write with hook over ice. You will have support of majority of mayors. I promise that to all of you.

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